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Scott Esposito

Scott Esposito is the co-author of The End of Oulipo? (with Lauren Elkin; Zero Books, 2013). His writing has appeared recently in Music & Literature, Drunken Boat, and The Point. His criticism appears frequently in the Times Literary Supplement, the San Francisco Chronicle, and The Washington Post.

Articles Available Online

The Last Redoubt


November 2014

Scott Esposito


November 2014

As they say of politics, I have found essay-writing to be the art of the possible. Certain work can only be done in those...


February 2014

Another Way of Thinking

Scott Esposito


February 2014

I. There is no substitute for that moment when a book places into our mind thoughts we recognise as our...

Windblown: gone with the summer wind Windblown: gone with the autumn wind Windblown: gone with the winter wind Windblown: gone with the vernal wind Dowson spits into a china cup, his pocket-watch has broken; recalling a tryst with a pretty shopgirl he writes from his Catford cot in Tarling’s Superior No2 blue-black ink Our tongues entwined But did not knot Tanned by the summer wind Depressed by the autumn wind Frozen by the winter wind Driven by the vernal wind John Gawsworth tried to set the record straight contra Arthur Symons & Frank Harris’ misrepresentations, quash that sordid legend of Dowson the soak You were just a hard-pressed bloke, tubercular Pierrot, a fin-de-siècle card, Old Cheshire Cheese outsider with bad teeth and shiny kneed Baudelairean trousers! Windblown: gone with the summer wind Windblown: gone with the autumn wind Windblown: gone with the winter wind Windblown: gone with the vernal wind In the iconic Oxford photo you look dapper, a crème-de-menthe poet in the making, verses soon to prove unprofitable: bunches of cut flowers spoilt by English weather, each word a stain, each thought a cliché: ‘sad waters of separation Bear us on to the ultimate night’ [1] Tanned by the summer wind Depressed by the autumn wind Frozen by the winter wind Driven by the vernal wind; sleepwalking towards the twentieth century, in Romanticism’s last light quote/unquote an empty shell, quote/ unquote a private hell in the arms of gin or absinthe, puffing a Vevey cigar Windblown: gone with the summer wind Windblown: gone with the autumn wind Windblown: gone with the winter wind Windblown: gone with the vernal wind Stuck in a cabbie’s shelter on Charing X Road a gaslit rue of papers, books and Cockney strollers, warped Elysian images throng your poor head, lust the shade of Colman’s mustard advertised on trams clopping


August 2014

Scott Esposito


August 2014

Scott Esposito is the co-author of The End of Oulipo? (with Lauren Elkin; Zero Books, 2013). His writing has...

Negation: A Response to Lars Iyer's 'Nude in Your Hot Tub'


September 2012

Scott Esposito


September 2012

I do not know whether I have anything to say, I know that I am saying nothing; I do not know if what I...
Art's Fading Sway: Russian Ark by Aleksandr Sokurov


May 2012

Scott Esposito


May 2012

I have often fallen asleep in small theatres. It is an embarrassing thing to have happen during one-man shows, and I am certain that...



April 2014


Paul Currion


April 2014

I cough while the technician tinkers with the projector, although the two are not related, and I wonder why...


Issue No. 3


Lee Rourke

Oliver Griffin


Issue No. 3

ES9 is the latest body of work by Oliver Griffin in his archival series The Evaluation of Space. Taken...


January 2016

Forgetting: Chang'e Descends to Earth, or Chang'e Escapes to the Moon

Li Er

TR. Annelise Finegan Wasmoen


January 2016

Source Material   Her story is widely known. At first she stayed in heaven, then she followed a man...


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