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Scott Esposito

Scott Esposito is the co-author of The End of Oulipo? (with Lauren Elkin; Zero Books, 2013). His writing has appeared recently in Music & Literature, Drunken Boat, and The Point. His criticism appears frequently in the Times Literary Supplement, the San Francisco Chronicle, and The Washington Post.

Articles Available Online

The Last Redoubt


November 2014

Scott Esposito


November 2014

As they say of politics, I have found essay-writing to be the art of the possible. Certain work can only be done in those...


February 2014

Another Way of Thinking

Scott Esposito


February 2014

I. There is no substitute for that moment when a book places into our mind thoughts we recognise as our...

I walked into Simryn Gill’s exhibition SOFT TISSUE at Jhaveri Contemporary on one of the worst days of an unusually dense winter smog in Mumbai On the way over, driving slowly through sunset traffic, I stared straight into the sun: its whole circumference visible, its light diffuse and dull behind a thick curtain of pollution Maybe soon we will forget what sunsets look like here, I thought, how the sun dips slowly into the sea Smog like this is sad in a physical way; it is an injury that hangs over the city, seeping into its inhabitants Birds fly in hysterical circles, blinded, their sense of direction askew   Gill brings the injury into the gallery A different kind of injury to the one the smog inflicts, perhaps, but still the injury of nature For the series NAGA DOODLES (2017), she has collected snake roadkill: torn up membranes, snagging tissue, and ribbons of soft, delicate spines Sometimes, flecks of blood and urine dot the paper, alongside gaping wide mouths with fine but broken teeth Once, while on a drive, Gill noticed a dead snake on the side of the road and pulled over the car She wanted to get closer to it It was a cobra, and she brought it to her studio Later, she rolled etching inks on to the carcass and took impressions of the inked snake by hand Her cat had brought home a dead bird as a gift, and she had kept it in a ziplock bag in her fridge for a while Eventually, she decided to print it It was a bright, grey and yellow bird native to the South West Pacific: a type of honeyeater called a silvereye that migrates up and down from Tasmania Legend has it that the silvereyes first arrived in the region carried by a storm The bird’s Maori name, Taohou, translates as ‘stranger’ ‘The silvereye is a hoverer,’ Gill writers in a recent essay for SLUG, ‘you might see it floating alongside flower blooms, eating the nectar, or flitting from branch to branch in trees How, I wondered, did the cat


August 2014

Scott Esposito


August 2014

Scott Esposito is the co-author of The End of Oulipo? (with Lauren Elkin; Zero Books, 2013). His writing has...

Negation: A Response to Lars Iyer's 'Nude in Your Hot Tub'


September 2012

Scott Esposito


September 2012

I do not know whether I have anything to say, I know that I am saying nothing; I do not know if what I...
Art's Fading Sway: Russian Ark by Aleksandr Sokurov


May 2012

Scott Esposito


May 2012

I have often fallen asleep in small theatres. It is an embarrassing thing to have happen during one-man shows, and I am certain that...



Issue No. 13


Holly Pester


Issue No. 13

It’s Saturday and two men arrive at the door in the uniform. Thames Water. We’re checking the whole street,...


October 2011

The White Review No.3 Editorial

The Editors


October 2011

In the course of putting three issues of The White Review together, the editors have been presented with the...


Issue No. 12

A Samurai Watches the Sun Rise in Acapulco

Álvaro Enrigue

TR. Rahul Bery


Issue No. 12

To Miquel   I possess my death. She is in my hands and within the spirals of my inner...


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