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Silvia Rothlisberger
Silvia Rothlisberger is a writer and journalist working in editorial at the Guardian. She hosts a radio show on Resonance 104.4 called Literary South and is a contributing editor at Minor Literature[s]. She focuses mainly on contemporary Latin American literature.

Articles Available Online

Interview with Gabriela Cabezón Cámara and Ariana Harwicz


August 2020

Silvia Rothlisberger


August 2020

Gabriela Cabezón Cámara and Ariana Harwicz are two leading figures in Argentinian and Latin American contemporary literature. I came across their work after their...



May 2016

Cinema on the Page

Jonathan Gibbs


May 2016

Film is a bully. It wants to make its viewers feel, and it has the tools to do so....


September 2012

Existere: Documenting Performance Art

David Gothard

Jo Melvin

John James

Rye Dag Holmboe


September 2012

The following conversation was held at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, in May 2012. The event took place...


September 2011

The Cinematographer, a 42-year-old man named Miyagawa, aimed his camera directly at the sun, which at first probably seemed like a bad idea

Michael Earl Craig


September 2011

Last night Kurosawa’s woodcutter strode through the forest, his axe on his shoulder. Intense sunlight stabbed and sparkled and...


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