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Simon Middleton
Simon Middleton’s work has previously featured in IOTA, Envoi, The Cadaverine, Firewords Quarterly and Eyewear’s Best New British and Irish Poets 2017. His poetry and fiction have been shortlisted for the Bridport Prize, Winchester Prize 2020, and in 2018 his poem ‘Space was a material’ won the Dorset Award.

Articles Available Online

If I Could Just Bring Myself

Prize Entry

February 2022

Simon Middleton

Prize Entry

February 2022

to run a damp cloth along every surface of that room, it could be different.   Instead I’m in the kitchen gathering all the...



July 2012

Poem for the Sightless Man (After Kate Clanchy)

Abigail Nelson


July 2012

This is just to say,   that the inked glasses that you wear look like the sound of shop...


January 2015

One Out of Two

Daniel Sada

TR. Katherine Silver


January 2015

Now, how to say it? One out of two, or two in one, or what? The Gamal sisters were...


December 2011

Egyptian Revolution: Bloody Wednesday (2 February 2011)

Omar Robert Hamilton


December 2011

Almost one year on from the first battles in Tahrir Square, Egypt’s future remains uncertain. Many Egyptians believe that,...


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