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Stephen Romer

Stephen Romer was born in 1957 and was educated at Cambridge.  He has four published collections of poetry with the Oxford Poets imprint of Carcanet Press and is the editor of the Faber anthology Twentieth-Century French Poems. His acclaimed translation of Yves Bonnefoy's The Arriere-pays was published last year (Seagull Press, 2012), and his French Decadent Tales, new translations of fin-de-siècle stories, is due from Oxford World Classics in Spring 2013. He regularly writes on French literature and modern poetry for the Guardian and the Times Literary Supplement.

Articles Available Online

A Black Hat, Silence and Bombshells : Michael Hofmann at Cambridge & After


January 2013

Stephen Romer


January 2013

The black hat and the black coat I was familiar with, before I knew their owner. It was Cambridge, the beginning of the Michaelmas...



January 2017

Take Comfort

Heather Radke


January 2017

I. One week after Buzz and Heather broke up, she dragged her mattress into her living room. She moved...


February 2012

Stalker, Writer or Professor? Geoff Dyer's Zona and Genre

Rose McLaren


February 2012

‘So what kind of a writer am I, reduced to writing a summary of a film?’ wonders Geoff Dyer...


October 2013

The Good Soldier

Jess Cotton


October 2013

Two hundred names are inscribed in a totemic list that opens Alice Oswald’s Memorial. The deaths of the Greek heroes,...


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