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Sumia Juxun
Sumia Juxun is a poet, producer and educator currently based between Rotterdam and London. She often writes about memory, movement and the cyclical process of leaving. Her poem ‘Before Leaving’ won the FourHubs’ 2018 Poetry Prize. Sumia is a Barbican Young Poet Alumni and most recently published in Filigree: Contemporary Black British Poetry. She is also founder of SAWTI and programme lead (Social Practices) at Willem de Kooning Academy.

Articles Available Online

‘Passport as freedom papers’ I

Prize Entry

February 2022

Sumia Juxun

Prize Entry

February 2022

(Title after a line from Momtaza Mehri’s poem ‘Mouthwash’).   ‘A home is only as safe as flesh’ – Dionne Brand   You share...


Prize Entry

April 2017

Terre Haute

Lauren Van Schaik

Prize Entry

April 2017

We’ve been quarantined in the school gym for three weeks when we realise just how much we’ve forgotten. Not...


January 2017


Patrick Cottrell


January 2017

Every morning as I walk to school through the dark blue decrepit world, I feel like I’m coming down...


Issue No. 2

Sri Lankan Contemporary Art

Josephine Breese


Issue No. 2

Sri Lanka has developed a thriving, vital contemporary art scene over the past twenty years. New artists are emerging...


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