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On Work: Roundtable


Issue No. 21

The Editors


Issue No. 21

In 2013 we encountered a pamphlet-sized book published by n+1 called No Regrets. It contained a series of conversations between different groups of women...


March 2018


The Editors


March 2018

During his interview with Claudia Rankine in this issue, Kayo Chingonyi raises the subject of what role the arts...

‘I’m sorry,’ I say, looking straight into the gold flecked eyes, ‘I can’t see another way’ The round eyes blink brightly back I turn on the hot tap above the small white bath, hygienic and functional like everything else in here There’s a red sign above the taps, with a warning about the scorching water Steam rises instantly from the bath, and I move to the toilet to wait I wonder, briefly, if I can hide her in my little room down the corridor But no, she’d be found straight away: they mop the rooms every day Besides, there would be nowhere to hide: bare lino under the single bed, and then there’s just the little lockable set of drawers, pine-veneer desk, plastic chair The walls are painted magnolia: there’s not even wallpaper to hide behind And even if I could squeeze her into one of the drawers, she’d probably suffocate I know they do their best to make it homely in here, but it’s nowhere near Bile rises in my throat when I think of the thick carpets and rugs I left behind Laying as still as I could on the luxury pile, not daring to move, hoping this would make him stop Sometimes it worked, but usually he won: got me moving again, a kick in the soft belly fat, a boiling spoon to the flabby upper arm   I inhale the steam deeply now, looking down at the exceptional pigeon cradled in my palms She’s a stunner, a certain win I feel the quality of her down against my skin, she is oiled all over I gently test the fineness of the bones, the strength of the frame, the vibrating breast muscles, the deep throat Perfect balance She was always my favourite and he knew it He said it wasn’t right to have preferences: that the birds would pick up on it and stop coming home Back then, he was still teaching me: he’d take me to all the shows, even the big one with the starry midnight carpet, crimson drapes and dazzling stage My crushed velvet dress


August 2014

The Editors


August 2014


September 2017

On The White Review Anthology

The Editors


September 2017

Valentine’s Day 2010, Brooklyn: an intern at the Paris Review skips his shift as an undocumented worker at an...



Issue No. 20

The Editors


Issue No. 20

    As a bookish schoolchild in Galilee, the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish was invited to compose, and read in public, a poem marking...


Issue No. 19


The Editors


Issue No. 19

‘A crisis becomes a crisis when the white male body is affected,’ writes the philosopher Rosi Braidotti, interviewed in...


Issue No. 18


The Editors


Issue No. 18

This is the editorial from the eighteenth print issue of The White Review, available to buy here.    In 1991...


Issue No. 17


The Editors


Issue No. 17

An Englishman, a Frenchman and an Irishman set up a magazine in London in 2010. This sounds like the...


Issue No. 16


The Editors


Issue No. 16

The political and internet activist Eli Pariser coined the term ‘Filter Bubble’ in 2011 to describe how we have...


Issue No. 15


The Editors


Issue No. 15

In The Art of the Publisher, Roberto Calasso suggests that publishing is something approaching an art form, whereby ‘all...



Issue No. 14

The Editors


Issue No. 14

Having several issues ago announced that we would no longer be writing our own editorials, the editors’ (ultimately inevitable) failure to organise a replacement,...


Issue No. 10

The Editors


Issue No. 10

This tenth editorial will be our last. Back in February 2011, on launching the magazine, we grandiosely stated that we were ‘creating a space for...
The White Review No. 9 Editorial


Issue No. 9

The Editors


Issue No. 9

This ninth print issue of The White Review is characterised by little more than the continuation of the principles we have set out in...
The White Review No. 8 Editorial


Issue No. 8

The Editors


Issue No. 8

The manifesto of art collective Bruce High Quality foundation, the subject of an essay by Legacy Russell in this issue, states its intention to...
The White Review No. 7 Editorial


Issue No. 7

The Editors


Issue No. 7

A few issues back we grandiosely stated ‘that it is more important now than ever to provide a forum for expression and debate’. This...
The White Review No. 6 Editorial


Issue No. 6

The Editors


Issue No. 6

By the looks of it, not much has changed for The White Review. This new edition, like its predecessors, features the customary blend of...
The White Review No. 5 Editorial


Issue No. 5

The Editors


Issue No. 5

One of the two editors of The White Review recently committed a faux pas by reacting with undisguised and indeed excessive envy to the revelation...
The White Review No. 4 Editorial


Issue No. 4

The Editors


Issue No. 4

We live in interesting times. A few years ago, with little warning and for reasons obscure to all but a few, an economic system...
The White Review No.3 Editorial


October 2011

The Editors


October 2011

In the course of putting three issues of The White Review together, the editors have been presented with the problems they were previously so...
Editorial: a thousand witnesses are better than conscience


July 2011

The Editors


July 2011

The closure of any newspaper is a cause for sadness in any country that prides itself, as Britain does, on its possession of a...


Prize Entry

April 2017

Abu One-Eye

Rav Grewal-Kök

Prize Entry

April 2017

He left two photographs.   In the first, his eldest brother balances him on a knee. It must be...


November 2017

Small White Monkeys

Sophie Collins


November 2017

Small white monkeys stretch around in the dirt beneath a tree but do not get dirty. They pick themselves...


November 2015

Two Poems

Ko Un

TR. Brother Anthony of Taizé

TR. Lee Sang-Wha


November 2015

Kim Geung-Ryeol   During the Japanese colonial period he attended Japan’s Military Academy, became squadron leader in the Japanese...


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