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Thomas Bunstead
Thomas Bunstead is a writer and translator based in East Sussex, England. He has translated some of the leading Spanish-language writers working today, including Agustín Fernández Mallo, Enrique Vila-Matas and Juan Villoro, and his own writing has appeared in publications such as >kill authorParis Review DailyReady Steady Book and the TLS. In 2015 he co-edited a Mexico feature for WORDS WITHOUT BORDERS and he is currently an editor at the translation journal IN OTHER WORDS.

Articles Available Online

Interview with Álvaro Enrigue


Issue No. 19

Thomas Bunstead


Issue No. 19

Álvaro Enrigue is a Mexican writer who lives and teaches in New York. A leading light in the Spanish-language literary world, he is published...



Issue No. 6

Stolen Luck

Helen DeWitt


Issue No. 6

Keith was not the songwriter. Darren and Stewart wrote the songs. Keith hit things, some of which were drums....


March 2014

Amy Sillman: The Labour of Painting

Paige K. Bradley

Amy Sillman


March 2014

The heritage of conceptualism and minimalism leaves a tendency to interpret a reduction in form as intellectually rigorous. If...


Issue No. 1

'Untitled (book covers)'

Viktor Timofeev


Issue No. 1

A slideshow presenting a series of collages by the London-based Latvian artist Viktor Timofeev, one gouache by whom was...


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