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Toshiko Hirata
Toshiko Hirata is a prominent Japanese poet and novelist. During the 1980s, she, along with Itō Hiromi, emerged as one of the foremost voices of the so-called 'women's boom' of poetry. Her poetry is known for its directness and black humour. In the last decade, she has increasingly turned to writing novels, which often feature ordinary people in bizarre circumstances that lead them to question the traditional family system and the spots allotted to them in society.

Articles Available Online

Camera & Even After He is Gone, the Cat is Here and I Cast My Suspicions on Him


Issue No. 3

Toshiko Hirata

TR. Jeffrey Angles


Issue No. 3

Camera You take my sweet sleeping face You take my innocent smile You take my large breasts Even though I asked you not to...



September 2013

Interview with László Krasznahorkai

George Szirtes


September 2013

László Krasznahorkai was born in Gyula, Hungary, in 1954, and has written five novels and several collections of essays...


February 2012

Giant Impact Hypothesis

James Midgley


February 2012

I bought a satellite’s eye from the market. To look through it involved the whole god-orbit, a cotton-wooled Faberge...


September 2012

Existere: Documenting Performance Art

David Gothard

Jo Melvin

John James

Rye Dag Holmboe


September 2012

The following conversation was held at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, in May 2012. The event took place...


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