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Tristan Garcia

Tristan Garcia was born in 1981 in Toulouse. His début novel, Hate: A Romance (Faber and Faber, 2010), was a critical success and won the Prix de Flore in 2008. A philosopher by training, he completed his PhD and published Form and Object. A Treatise on Things (Edinburgh University Press, 2014) even as he continued to write fiction prolifically. 'Walking Backwards' is a story from his most recent book, 7.

Articles Available Online

Walking Backwards


Issue No. 16

Tristan Garcia

TR. Jeffrey Zuckerman


Issue No. 16

‘Moderne, c’est déjà vieux.’ La Féline   I.   I pretended to remember and I smiled: it was time to tell the story once...



October 2013

Interview with Chris Petit

Hannah Gregory


October 2013

Chris Petit likes driving. Most of his films, from his first Radio On (1979), to London Orbital (with Iain...


April 2013

The Story I'm Thinking Of

Jonathan Gibbs


April 2013

There were seven of us sat around the table. Seven grown adults, sat around the table. It was late. We...


November 2014

Like Rabbits

Bethan Roberts


November 2014

When my husband unrolled the back door of the brewery’s lorry and hoisted first one cage, then another, onto...


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