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Will Harris
Will Harris co-runs The Poetry Inquisition. His work has appeared in numerous places including the Poetry Review and Manchester Review, he is an assistant editor at The Rialto, and his debut pamphlet is forthcoming from HappenStance in 2017. He is currently at work on a sonnet sequence about museums and libraries as part of a collaboration with the artist Aisha Farr.

Articles Available Online

Of all those pasts


December 2016

Will Harris


December 2016

  In Derrida’s Memoires: For Paul de Man he quotes from ‘Mnemosyne’, a poem by Friedrich Hölderlin which he says was one of his...



January 2016

The Bees

Wioletta Greg

TR. Eliza Marciniak


January 2016

On Sunday right after lunch, my father began preparing muskrat skins and cut his finger on a dirty penknife....


September 2013

To Sing the Love of Danger

Adnan Sarwar


September 2013

The Gulf War made my first year at Towneley High School uncomfortable. White lads taunted us Pakistanis with pictures...


March 2014

Burroughs in London

Heathcote Williams


March 2014

I first met William Burroughs in 1963. I was working for a now defunct literary magazine called Transatlantic Review...


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