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Youssef Rakha

Youssef Rakha is a writer and photographer from Cairo. He has seven books in Arabic, including collections of poems, essays, and fiction, several travelogues, and one novel. His work in English has been featured in such publications as The New York Times, The Atlantic, McSweeney's, Banipal, and The Kenyon Review, among others. A translation of his novel The Crocodiles, the first in a trilogy, is due in Autumn 2014 from Seven Stories Press.

Articles Available Online

Hoarseness: A Legend of Contemporary Cairo


June 2014

Youssef Rakha


June 2014

U. Mubarak It kind of grows out of traffic. The staccato hiss of an exhaust pipe begins to sound like record scratching. Skidding and braking, the...



February 2013

Haitian Art and National Tragedy

Rob Sharp


February 2013

Thousands of Haiti’s poorest call it home: Grand Rue, a district of Port-au-Prince once run by merchants and bankers,...


April 2017

Interview with Mark Greif

Daniel Cohen


April 2017

Since 2004, when his work started to appear in n+1, the magazine he co-founded, Mark Greif has taken contemporary...


July 2012

Interview with David Harvey

Matt Mahon


July 2012

David Harvey is rare among Left academics: his work is as much appreciated by anarchists and the Occupy movement...


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