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Jonathan Gibbs
Jonathan Gibbs is a writer and critic. His novel Randall, or the Painted Grape is published by Galley Beggar Press, and his short fiction has been anthologised in Best British Short Stories 2014 and 2015. He has written on books for The Guardian, The TLS, The Telegraph, The Financial Times and elsewhere. He lectures in Creative and Professional Writing at St Mary's University, Twickenham.

Articles Available Online



October 2013

The Good Soldier

Jess Cotton


October 2013

Two hundred names are inscribed in a totemic list that opens Alice Oswald’s Memorial. The deaths of the Greek heroes,...


November 2014

Every Night is Like a Disco: Iraq 2003

Paul Currion


November 2014

That day at Kassim’s, there was no music. There was almost no sound at all, not even the echoes...


Issue No. 2

The Brothel

Kit Buchan


Issue No. 2

I unearthed a little brothel in the spring of forty-three, It was captained by a midwife who was ninety...


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