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Sergio Loo
Sergio Loo (1982-2014) was a Mexico City-based writer of poetry, short stories, film scripts and novels.  His work includes the poetry collection Sus brazos labios en mi boca rodando (His arms lips in my mouth rolling), the novel House: retratos desarmables (House: dismantlable portraits), which uses the fragmentary structures of dance music to narrate the experiences of its young protagonists, and Operación al cuerpo enfermo (Operation on the sick body), a prose-poetry exploration of living with cancer.

Articles Available Online

They keep killing us


June 2018

Sergio Loo

TR. Annie McDermott


June 2018

They stuck photocopies in the urinals again and again we covered them in our names. Sheets of paper advising what to do if you...



Issue No. 8

Barking From the Margins: On écriture féminine

Lauren Elkin


Issue No. 8

 I. Two moments in May May 2, 2011. The novelists Siri Hustvedt and Céline Curiol are giving a talk...


May 2014

Two Poems from Grun-tu-molani

Vidyan Ravinthiran


May 2014

The Sky there was a uniform inactive grey, except when stared at through a chainlink fence; those who could...


February 2011

Old media, new year: China’s CCTV woos the nation’s netizens

Shepherd Laughlin


February 2011

The CCTV New Year’s gala broadcast, known in Mandarin as Chunwan, is probably the most massive media event you’ve...


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