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Alexander Christie-Miller
ALEXANDER CHRISTIE-MILLER  is a writer and journalist based in Istanbul. His writing about Turkish politics and culture has been published in Newsweek, the Times, the Atlantic, and other publications. He is a regular contributor to The White Review.

Articles Available Online

Ada Kaleh


Issue No. 17

Alexander Christie-Miller


Issue No. 17

When King Carol II of Romania set foot on the tiny Danubian island of Ada Kaleh on 4 May 1931, it was said among...


October 2015

War is Easy, Peace is Hard

Alexander Christie-Miller


October 2015

At around midday on 19 July, Koray Türkay boarded a bus in Istanbul and set off for the Syrian...

I lost my faith the year my Grandma passed away She was here and then she was not, and my belief slipped away with similar ease It was a year in which loss was rife: an aunt had passed several months before, and almost a month to the day later, another died suddenly, leaving behind a husband and toddler I watched something break in both father and son The boy stopped speaking and could only communicate his grief in actions He was always opening and closing cupboards and doors, as if he was looking for his mother, or maybe he understood, and was searching for a space large enough to house his ache   The day my Grandma died, something in me broke I spent a long time not knowing how to say this, not knowing what language there was to say this, not knowing that it was okay to say this I spent a long time not knowing The only thing I know now is that I will spend eternity not knowing There are no answers, but there are ways to cope   Instead of language, an image: at the funeral of my aunt, standing slightly to the side as the casket was lowered into the ground Watching my uncle take some crumbling earth in a closed fist, and hearing it scatter on the casket like light rain Other family members were invited to do the same Each fistful of soil felt like a soft hand against a door, knocking, knocking, knocking – knowing there could be no answer   On the first day, my mother paced the house She swept the corners of our living room, gathering all she could I could see that with this simple act she was reaching into the corners of her own mind, gathering all she could there too, hoping not to forget We had a small service in the same room a few days later, during which the pastor assured us that death was not the end He was right Time had taken on a different, hazy quality in which we seemed locked in stasis, moving in


August 2014

Alexander Christie-Miller


August 2014

ALEXANDER CHRISTIE-MILLER  is a writer and journalist based in Istanbul. His writing about Turkish politics and culture has been...

Forgotten Sea


Issue No. 11

Alexander Christie-Miller


Issue No. 11

I. As I stood on the flanks of the Kaçkar Mountains where they slope into the Black Sea near the town of Arhavi, the...
Occupy Gezi: From the Fringes to the Centre, and Back Again


July 2013

Alexander Christie-Miller


July 2013

Taksim Square appears at first a wide, featureless and unlovely place. It is a ganglion of roads and bus routes, a destination and a...



August 2016

Interview with Daniel Sinsel

Rosanna Mclaughlin


August 2016

In the decade after leaving Chelsea School of Art in 2002, Daniel Sinsel made a name for himself with...


September 2014

Interview with Laure Prouvost

Alice Hattrick


September 2014

Laure Prouvost begins to tell us about something that happened this morning. She woke up with four vegetables on...


November 2012

Life outside the Manet Paradise Resort : On the paintings of Lynette Yiadom-Boakye

Orlando Reade


November 2012

*   A person is represented, sitting in what appears to be the banal and conventional pose of a...


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