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Alice Hattrick
Alice Hattrick is a writer and producer based in London. Their book on unexplained illness, intimacy and mother-daughter relationships, titled Ill Feelings, will be published by Fitzcarraldo Editions in 2021.

Articles Available Online

Ill Feelings


Issue No. 19

Alice Hattrick


Issue No. 19

My mother recently found some loose diary pages I wrote in my first year of boarding school, aged eleven, whilst she was clearing out...


February 2016

'Look at me, I said to the glass in a whisper, a breath.'

Alice Hattrick


February 2016

Listen to her. She is telling you about her adolescence. She is telling you about one particular ‘bender’ that...

Many thanks to those who have allowed me to speak; now I’ll do so   I’m actually not talking here under my own name You should perceive and conceive of Antoine Volodine as a collective author, a name that includes the writings, voices, and poems of many other authors You should think of my physical presence, in front of this microphone, as that of a delegate whose mandate is to represent the others, my colleagues unable to appear in front of you because they’re mentally distant, because they’re imprisoned, or because they’re dead You should accept my presence here as a spokesperson As a spokesperson of post-exoticism, which is to say an imaginary literature from elsewhere and headed elsewhere, a literature that insists upon its status as strange and estranged, that insists upon its singularity and refuses all affiliations to any specific and clearly identifiable national literature I’ll explain all this   First, I’d like to list some of the authors who I’ll be speaking for tonight Some have appeared inside texts under the name of Antoine Volodine; some have been characters therein, they have spoken as novelistic characters in their own name or in others’, under their colleagues’ names, or as bare and anonymous voices, as voices stripped of all non-collective identity Several of these men and women I’ll mention (since, among us, women are numerous and at the forefront), several of them also have a tangible existence as book authors They’ve authored and continue to author books published the usual way, or contributed to magazines that actually exist in the literary world that you know All these texts and all these male and female authors are tied to post-exoticism We constitute a writing community Here, tonight, when I say ‘I,’ that means ‘we,’ regardless of the words uttered So I’d like to list some of these essential authors: Ingrid Vogel, Yasar Tarchalski, Lutz Bassmann, Elli Kronauer, Vassilissa Lukaszczyk, Iakoub Khadjbakiro, Jean Vlassenko, Maria Samarkande, Manuela Draeger, Sonia Velasquez, Maria Schnittke, and Maria Schrag The list could be different and it could be much, much longer When I say ‘I’ in front


August 2014

Alice Hattrick


August 2014

Alice Hattrick is a writer and producer based in London. Their book on unexplained illness, intimacy and mother-daughter relationships,...



July 2014

Alice Hattrick

Kristina Buch


July 2014

There are many ways to make sense of the world, through language, speech and text, but also the senses and their extensions. In his...



November 2012

Pending performance: Cally Spooner’s live production

Isabella Maidment


November 2012

It’s 1957 and the press release still isn’t written[1] An actress dressed in black overalls stands on a theatrically...


March 2013

Strangely Ordinary: Ron Mueck's art of the uncanny

Anouchka Grose


March 2013

Since the Stone Age, people have been concerned with the problem of how to represent life.   Cave paintings...


June 2016


Chloe Stopa-Hunt


June 2016

  1. Waste-Gold   These songs are waste-gold a matter of passing time together as we wait for night...


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