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Amber Husain

Amber Husain is a writer, academic and publisher. She is currently a managing editor and research fellow at Afterall, Central Saint Martins. Her essays and criticism appear or are forthcoming in 3AM, The Believer, London Review of Books, LA Review of Books, Radical Philosophy and elsewhere. She is the author of Replace Me, to be published by Peninsula Press in November 2021.

Articles Available Online

Slouching Towards Death

Book Review

July 2021

Amber Husain

Book Review

July 2021

In January, a preview excerpt in The New Yorker of Rachel Kushner’s essay collection The Hard Crowd (2021) warned us that this might turn...

Book Review

August 2020

Natasha Stagg’s ‘Sleeveless’

Amber Husain

Book Review

August 2020

‘The thong is centimetres closer to areas of arousal,’ writes Natasha Stagg in Sleeveless: Fashion, Image, Media, New York,...

We are not tourists We are journalists We fly out from Heathrow, Bristol, Glasgow and Newcastle to foreign airports where we are met by charming multilingual individuals employed by the holiday companies that pay for our trips They whisk away our luggage and usher us through customs, ensuring that our initial impression of their country is not of queues and body-cavity searches, but easeful efficiency They escort us around galleries, museums and examples of local industry They arrange courteous meetings with experts in many, many fields We eat eight fine meals a day, and everywhere we go we are presented with plastic bags full of information leaflets, promotional videos and the detritus of marketing: logo hats, boggle-eyed mascots, optimistic stickers   Collectively, we are treated as delegates from a distant kingdom who may – if pleased – bestow great largesse We leave behind most of our gifts, considering ourselves to be above such currying of favours We know the hospitality we want: it involves the bar We know the stories we want: they involve the authentic, the real, the colourful They must also be photogenic, accessible and easily cut-and-pastable Do you have some fun facts about the region? Do I have to write them down or are they on the press release? Could you fax that to me when I’m back in the office? Your English, by the way, is excellent   I was among them once Some of you were there too It was the last decade of the twentieth century and we could put things on expenses   *   During a five-day tour of Hungary we become furious when an elderly reporter from the Birmingham Post insists on interviewing the curator of a porcelain museum What can he possibly want to know? It’s all in the leaflets Just take the leaflets and go   ‘Rural Hungary looks like Somerset,’ says a man from The Mirror as our courtesy mini-bus trundles past thatched cottages, ‘apart from the fact that a freakishly high proportion of the population is selling paprika’   We can’t figure out the preponderance of paprika and we can’t figure out the natural mineral bathing


November 2018

Amber Husain


November 2018

Amber Husain is a writer, academic and publisher. She is currently a managing editor and research fellow at Afterall,...

On Having No Skin: Nan Goldin’s Sirens

Art Review

January 2020

Amber Husain

Art Review

January 2020

The feeling of drug-induced euphoria could be strips of gauze between beautiful fingers. Or a silver slinky sent down a torso by its own...
In Defence of Dead Women


November 2018

Amber Husain


November 2018

The memorial for the artist was as inconclusive as her work, or anybody’s life. Organised haphazardly on Facebook by one of her old friends,...



March 2014

Amy Sillman: The Labour of Painting

Paige K. Bradley

Amy Sillman


March 2014

The heritage of conceptualism and minimalism leaves a tendency to interpret a reduction in form as intellectually rigorous. If...


November 2016

Nothing Old, Nothing, New, Nothing, Borrowed, Nothing Blue

Iphgenia Baal


November 2016

look at your kitchen look at your kitchen oh my god look at your kitchen it’s delightful only wait...


August 2013

Interview with Marvin Gaye Chetwynd

Ben Eastham


August 2013

Four or so years ago, at what was then the single Peckham establishment to serve a selection of sandwiches...


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