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Anna Aslanyan
Anna Aslanyan is a journalist and translator. She writes for a number of publications - including 3:AM Magazine, the TLS, the Independent and the LRB blog - mainly about literature and arts. Her translations from Russian include Post-post Soviet? Art, Politics and Society in Russia at the Turn of the Decade, a collection of essays focused on Russia's contemporary art scene.

Articles Available Online



February 2017

Interview with Hajra Waheed

Rebecca Travis


February 2017

This conversation with Hajra Waheed began in person with an opportune meeting at her Montreal studio in April 2016....


Issue No. 5

A New Idea of Art: Christoph Schlingensief and the Opera Village Africa

Sarah Hegenbart


Issue No. 5

I think the Opera Village. . . will lead to a new idea of art, and what will emerge...


Issue No. 16

Interview with Gary Indiana

Michael Barron


Issue No. 16

In July 2015, T: The New York Times Style Magazine gathered twenty-eight ‘artists, writers, performers, musicians and intellectuals who...


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