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Antoine Volodine
Antoine Volodine is the the primary pseudonym of a French writer of Slavic origins, born in 1950. Volodine has published twenty books under this name, including Minor Angels, winner of the Prix Wepler and the Prix du Livre Inter; Naming the Jungle, Writers, Post-Exoticism in Ten Lessons, Lesson Eleven, Bardo or Not Bardo, and  Radiant Terminus, for which he won the Prix Médicis 2014; five books under the name of Lutz Bassmann, including We Monks and Soldiers; five children's books under the name of Elli Kronauer; and thirteen books under the name of Manuela Draeger, including three collected within In the Time of the Blue Ball. After Sudayeva’s death, he translated the Russian portions of Slogans into a definitive French text for Editions de l’Olivier in 2004, and translated a definitive Russian text for База in 201

Articles Available Online



November 2013

I Can’t Stop Thinking Through What Other People Are Thinking

David Shields


November 2013

Originally, feathers evolved to retain heat; later, they were repurposed for a means of flight. No one ever accuses...


October 2015

Two Poems

Robert Herbert McClean


October 2015

Another Autumn Journal Chaos (AKA Do Not Put This to Music Because You’re How Fish Put Up a Fight)...


May 2014

Two Poems from Grun-tu-molani

Vidyan Ravinthiran


May 2014

The Sky there was a uniform inactive grey, except when stared at through a chainlink fence; those who could...


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