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Aparna Surendra
Aparna Surendra is a Sri Lankan writer based in London. She is the recipient of a 2022 London Writers Award for literary fiction. In 2020, she was shortlisted for the Queen Mary Wasafiri New Writing Prize. Aparna writes fiction alongside a career in technology and digital rights. 

Articles Available Online

Mothers in the Hague

Prize Entry

September 2022

Aparna Surendra

Prize Entry

September 2022

The mothers check their belongings into lockers and pass through metal detectors. They learn the rules of the public gallery and the name of...



February 2015

Filthy Lucre

Rye Dag Holmboe


February 2015

White silhouettes sway against softly gradated backgrounds: blues, purples, yellows and pinks. The painted palm trees are tacky and...


June 2012

Nothing Here Now But The Recordings: Listening to William Burroughs

Charlie Fox


June 2012

About a month ago I was in Berlin. Every night I had a very strange dream. I was watching...


May 2017

Interview with Hari Kunzru

Michael Barron


May 2017

In the summer of 2008, the English novelist Hari Kunzru left London for New York City after accepting a fellowship at...


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