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Ari Braverman
Ari Braverman is from Iowa City and Denver by way of New Orleans. Some of her recent stories have appeared at BOMB, in the newest issue of Tammy Journal and at SmokeLong Quarterly. She is an assistant editor at Conjunctions, and she lives in Harlem, New York. 'Two Adventures' was shortlisted for the 2017 White Review Short Story Prize (US & Canada).

Articles Available Online

Two Adventures

Prize Entry

April 2017

Ari Braverman

Prize Entry

April 2017

I. A Cosmopolitan Avenue   …where a girl pretends the whole city is dead. She is too old for games like this one, but...



October 2012

Mitra Tabrizian's Another Country

Matt Mahon

Mitra Tabrizian


October 2012

Mitra Tabrizian’s Another Country (2010), a collection of nine large-scale photographs taken between 2009-2010, present to the viewer an...


June 2013


Melissa Lee-Houghton


June 2013

When I was fifteen I took my two little cousins into town and had them wait outside the tattoo...


April 2013

How to be an Astronaut

J. D. A. Winslow


April 2013

I am standing in front of a room full of people reading out a story. The room is dark....


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