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Bill Johnston
Bill Johnston is the translator of all Magdalena Tulli’s books in English. He has also translated numerous works of poetry and prose by other writers; his translation of Wiesław Myśliwski’s Stone Upon Stone (Archipelago Books) won the PEN Translation Prize and the Best Translated Book Award in 2012. His most recent translation is Tomasz Różycki’s mock-epic poem Twelve Stations (Zephyr Books, 2015). He teaches at Indiana University.

Articles Available Online



January 2017

Interview with Barbara T. Smith

Ciara Moloney


January 2017

Californian artist Barbara T. Smith (b. 1931) is something of a performance art legend. It was in the 1960s...


March 2016

Interview with Han Kang

TR. Deborah Smith

Sarah Shin


March 2016

Han Kang is a disquieting storyteller who leads the reader into the very heart of human experience, where the...


March 2011

Gabriel Orozco: Cosmic Matter and Other Leftovers

Rye Dag Holmboe


March 2011

‘To live,’ writes Walter Benjamin, ‘means to leave traces’. As one might expect, Benjamin’s observation is not without a...


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