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Bridget Minamore
Bridget Minamore is a writer, poet and journalist. She writes about theatre, music and politics for the Guardian, Pitchfork and The Stage, among others. In 2015 she was chosen as one of The Hospital Club's Emerging Creatives, as well as one of Speaking Volumes’ 40 Stars of Black British Literature. Titanic (Out-Spoken Press), her debut pamphlet of poems on modern love and loss, came out in May 2016.

Articles Available Online

Audre Lorde’s ‘Your Silence Will Not Protect You’

Book Review

January 2018

Bridget Minamore

Book Review

January 2018

There’s a clarity to Audre Lorde’s writing that becomes most apparent when you are presented with a collection of her work. Plainly written and...



Issue No. 10

What Can an Art Magazine Be?

Orit Gat


Issue No. 10

What can an art magazine be? Today, as the publishing industry reassesses its role in the age of the internet,...


July 2014


Alice Hattrick

Kristina Buch


July 2014

There are many ways to make sense of the world, through language, speech and text, but also the senses...


May 2011

Twelve Installations

Lawrence Lek


May 2011

These installations express the transience of our sensory world, the impermanence of form, and the artificiality of our environment....


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