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Caitlin Ingham
Caitlin Ingham has a Masters from UEA, where she was the recipient of the Seth Donaldson Memorial Bursary for Creative Writing. She was Runner Up in the 2018 Desperate Literature Prize, and her work has appeared in A Women’s Thing and 3:AM.

Articles Available Online

Miriam Toews’s ‘Women Talking’

Book Review

September 2018

Caitlin Ingham

Book Review

September 2018

Édouard Louis, speaking recently at the London Review Bookshop, described why he writes auto-fiction. Growing up in a brutally poor household in Northern France,...



September 2011

First Blimp

Joshua Trotter


September 2011

Removing colour from my thoughts, I formed a winter ball. I threw it. The dead were uncounted. There was...


Issue No. 16

Interview with Gary Indiana

Michael Barron


Issue No. 16

In July 2015, T: The New York Times Style Magazine gathered twenty-eight ‘artists, writers, performers, musicians and intellectuals who...


March 2019

Dreaming Reasonably: on Jenny George

Rachael Allen


March 2019

In Neil Marshall’s 2005 horror film The Descent, a group of women go spelunking and become trapped deep underground...


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