Mailing List

Cal Revely-Calder
Cal Revely-Calder is a writer and editor based in London, and the recipient of the 2017 Frieze Writer’s Prize. He is working on a book about art and embarrassment.

Articles Available Online

Renato Cisneros’s ‘The Distance Between Us’

Book Review

September 2018

Cal Revely-Calder

Book Review

September 2018

Renato Cisneros couldn’t remember the day his sister Valentina turned four; at the time, he’d been only fifteen months old. But recently, on an...
Sofia Stevi, turning forty winks into a decade

Art Review

March 2018

Cal Revely-Calder

Art Review

March 2018

We’re prone to speak as if dreaming were either too much or nothing at all. One person’s ‘dreamer’ is a radical, someone who’d storm...



April 2014


Joseph Mackertich


April 2014

A lot of people tell me my voice is similar to that of the actor Christopher Walken. I don’t...


February 2015

In bed with the radio

Péter Závada

TR. Mark Baczoni


February 2015

IN BED WITH THE RADIO   You’d turned against me. There’s safety in knowing, I thought. Like lying in...


November 2015

None of this is Real

Anna Coatman


November 2015

Rachel Maclean’s films are startlingly new and disturbingly familiar. Splicing fairy tales with reality television shows, tabloid stories, Disney...


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