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Connie Voisine
Connie Voisine is an associate professor of English at New Mexico State University, where she directs the creative writing program. Educated at Yale University, she received her MFA from University of California at Irvine and her Ph.D. from University of Utah. Her book, Cathedral of the North, was winner of the AWP Award in Poetry and was released by University of Pittsburgh Press. Rare High Meadow of Which I Might Dream was published by University of Chicago Press in 2008 and was a finalist for the Los Angeles Times Book Award.

Articles Available Online

Testament: Two Poems


June 2011

Connie Voisine


June 2011

Testament What’s the difference? You might wear it out touching, touching, not buying. Like a snail on a stick, you, slow over it with...



Issue No. 2

Interview with William Boyd

Jacques Testard

Tristan Summerscale


Issue No. 2

On a wet, grey morning in March, William Boyd invited us into a large terraced house, half-way between the...


Issue No. 1

In Somaliland


Issue No. 1

On a traffic island in the middle of Somaliland’s capital city, Hargeisa, is the rusting shell of fighter jet...


November 2012

Life outside the Manet Paradise Resort : On the paintings of Lynette Yiadom-Boakye

Orlando Reade


November 2012

*   A person is represented, sitting in what appears to be the banal and conventional pose of a...


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