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Diego Trelles Paz
Diego Trelles Paz (Lima 1977) is the author of Hudson el redentor/Hudson the Redeemer (Lima, 2001), El círculo de los escritores asesinos/The Circle of Assassin Writers (Barcelona, 2005), and Bioy (Barcelona, 2012), which received the Francisco Casavella Prize and was a finalist for the Rómulo Gallegos Prize in 2013. He holds a doctorate in Hispanic Literature from the University of Texas at Austin and currently lives in Paris.

Articles Available Online

The Surrealist Section of the Harry Ransom Center


Issue No. 2

Diego Trelles Paz

TR. Janet Hendrickson


Issue No. 2

To Enrique Fierro and Ida Vitale—   Just like you, muchachos, I didn’t believe in ghosts, and if I’d heard then one of the...



Issue No. 13

Lynette Yiadom-Boakye

Orlando Reade


Issue No. 13

Modern philosophy is threatened by love, whose objects are never only objects. Philosophers have discovered in love a lived...


Issue No. 7

The White Review No. 7 Editorial

The Editors


Issue No. 7

A few issues back we grandiosely stated ‘that it is more important now than ever to provide a forum...


Issue No. 9

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author James Murphy's Notes on Nicola Morelli Berengo

Francesco Pacifico

TR. Livia Franchini


Issue No. 9

Biography | Cattolicissimo trio composed of mother father beloved son. God, why doesn’t the English language have an equivalent...


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