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Divya Osbon
Divya Osbon is an organiser, writer and maker based in London. She works in editions publishing at the Whitechapel Gallery alongside curating independent projects and events.

Articles Available Online

Women on Aeroplanes

Art Review

October 2018

Divya Osbon

Art Review

October 2018

In The Showroom’s Women on Aeroplanes, three artists explore the untold contributions made by black women to transnational liberation movements. New work by Lungiswa...



May 2012

Interview with Jonathan Safran Foer

Jacques Testard


May 2012

Much has been written about the precocity and talent of Jonathan Safran Foer, whose debut novel Everything is Illuminated...


Issue No. 5

Interview with Hans Ulrich Obrist

Ben Eastham


Issue No. 5

Hans Ulrich Obrist is a compulsive note taker. For the duration of our interview one hand twitches a pen...


May 2016

Postcard from Istanbul

Sydney Ribot


May 2016

    Saturday       On March 19, at 1 p.m. in a café off Turnacibaşı St., an...


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