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Emily LaBarge
Emily LaBarge is a writer based in London, where she teaches at the Royal College of Art. Amongst other publications, she has written for Bookforum, the GuardianTate Etc. and Witte de With Review.

Articles Available Online

On Ashleigh Young and Chelsea Hodson

Book Review

December 2018

Emily LaBarge

Book Review

December 2018

‘An essay’s heat is interior’, writes Cynthia Ozick in ‘She: Portrait of the Essay as a Warm Body’. When I first came across Ozick’s...
Lynne Tillman's Men and Apparitions  

Book Review

May 2018

Emily LaBarge

Book Review

May 2018

‘We are poor passing facts / warned by that to give / each figure in the photograph / his living name,’ writes Robert Lowell....



Issue No. 13


Holly Pester


Issue No. 13

It’s Saturday and two men arrive at the door in the uniform. Thames Water. We’re checking the whole street,...


May 2012

Monopoly (after Ashbery)

Sarah Howe


May 2012

I keep everything until the moment it’s needed. I am the glint in your bank manager’s eye. I never...


Issue No. 5


Joshua Cohen


Issue No. 5

These women lived in hope, they lived for the future as if they were every one of them already...


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