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Erica X Eisen
Erica X Eisen's work has appeared or is forthcoming in The New York Times, The Paris Review Daily, The Guardian, Hazlitt, The Threepenny Review, The New Inquiry, The Harvard Review, and elsewhere. She received her bachelor's degree in History of Art & Architecture from Harvard and her MA from The Courtauld Institute of Art.

Articles Available Online

Under the Eye of the Clock

Art Review

January 2019

Erica X Eisen

Art Review

January 2019

In an early episode of Camus’s The Plague (1947), Tarrou, one of the last victims of an epidemic in the Algerian city of Oran,...



March 2019

Dreaming Reasonably: on Jenny George

Rachael Allen


March 2019

In Neil Marshall’s 2005 horror film The Descent, a group of women go spelunking and become trapped deep underground...


Issue No. 1

Interview with André Schiffrin

Jacques Testard

Gwénaël Pouliquen


Issue No. 1

André Schiffrin founded non-profit publishing house The New Press in 1990 after an acrimonious split with Random House –...


November 2016

Interview with Njideka Akunyili Crosby

Cassie Davies


November 2016

Njideka Akunyili Crosby first encountered Mary Louise Pratt’s ‘Arts of the Contact Zone’ (1991), which identifies ‘social spaces where cultures meet,...


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