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Eve Esfandiari Denney
Eve Esfandiari Denney is a British born Persian/Roma poet from South London. She is studying an MA in Creative Writing at UEA after receiving the Birch Family Scholarship. Her work has been featured in Bath magg, Riggwelter Press and The Manchester Review.

Articles Available Online

   I know you can see through my body, its soft little bones its heart-shrill rhythm I forget how astral everything is,   that my suffering is equivocal to my orchard, the number of orange fruits that exist   I love the way your beak is pierced with a thousand holes like a flute Each opening has a different sound, each sound is a secret   Phoenix, I tried to rip the skin off a snake instead of letting it moult I tried to block sunlight with my body save a fly from a swimming pool   I’ve tried to live my life in one breath Tried rebirth, reared myself to live quietly beside a shoal of wild demons   I trust I am a butterfly dreaming as a woman, the fact there are realized beings   Don’t tell Oaba, Baba joon about my drinking rainwater through dirt   About my opening the door to death like a boathouse That I am only water mixed with dust That we are just something rather than nothing That the world might persuade you of otherwise
Solo to bird phoenix


February 2021

Eve Esfandiari Denney


Prize Entry

April 2015


Nick Mulgrew

Prize Entry

April 2015

After a while you memorise the steps. You read the addresses and your calves just know, hey. They just...


February 2015

Interview with Eddie Peake

Lily Le Brun


February 2015

Like many people, I had seen Eddie Peake’s penis long before I met the artist himself. For several years...


July 2012

Interview with David Harvey

Matt Mahon


July 2012

David Harvey is rare among Left academics: his work is as much appreciated by anarchists and the Occupy movement...


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