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Frank Wynne
Frank Wynne is a literary translator. He has translated works by Francophone authors including Michel Houellebecq, Patrick Modiano, Pierre Lemaitre, Ahmadou Kourouma and Virginie Despentes. Having spent almost a decade living in Latin America he began translating from Spanish in 2010, with authors including Tómas Eloy Martínez, Javier Cercas and Almudena Grandes. His work has earned various awards, including the IMPAC Prize (2002), the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize (2005), the Scott Moncrieff Prize (2008, 2016) and the Premio Valle Inclán (2012, 2014).

Articles Available Online



June 2014

Turning the Game Around

Daniel Galera

TR. Rahul Bery


June 2014

Once upon a time there was – no, better: you are a thief who wanders through the cities and...


January 2015

Adventures in Immediate...

Max Blecher

TR. Michael Henry Heim


January 2015

I can picture myself as a small child wearing a nightshirt that comes down to my heels. I am...


January 2017

Interview with David Thomson

Leo Robson


January 2017

David Thomson — the author of dozens of books, including an account of Scott’s expedition to the Antarctic and...


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