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Georgi Gospodinov
Georgi Gospodinov lives and works in Sofia, Bulgaria. His latest novel, The Physics of Sorrow (Open Letter), was a finalist for several international awards, and has now been longlisted for the PEN Translation Prize in the United States. Other publications in English include Natural Novel (Dalkey Archive Press) and And Other Stories (Northwestern University Press).

Articles Available Online

Eight Minutes and Nineteen Seconds


January 2016

Georgi Gospodinov

TR. Angela Rodel


January 2016

The minute you start reading this, the sun may already have gone out, but you won’t know it yet. You’ve been granted a whole...



Issue No. 7

The White Review No. 7 Editorial

The Editors


Issue No. 7

A few issues back we grandiosely stated ‘that it is more important now than ever to provide a forum...


Issue No. 11

Interview with Philippe Parreno

Ben Eastham


Issue No. 11

It is the standard procedure, when visiting someone in central Paris, to ask in advance for the door code...


February 2014

Two Poems from A Finger in the Fishes Mouth

Derek Jarman


February 2014

To mark the 20th anniversary of Derek Jarman’s death, Test Centre has produced a facsimile edition of his sole,...


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