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Giada Scodellaro
Giada Scodellaro was born in Naples, Italy. She currently lives in New York where she is an MFA ​candidate in ​​Fiction ​​​​at The New School. 'Hangnails, and Other Diseases' was shortlisted for the 2017 White Review Short Story Prize (US & Canada).

Articles Available Online

Hangnails, and Other Diseases

Prize Entry

April 2017

Giada Scodellaro

Prize Entry

April 2017

Benson’s Syndrome   Grapefruit. I have lost the word for it. Popillo? Popello? No, no. It escapes her, the word, she tries to dig...



March 2014

Burroughs in London

Heathcote Williams


March 2014

I first met William Burroughs in 1963. I was working for a now defunct literary magazine called Transatlantic Review...


March 2017

Interview with Bae Suah

Deborah Smith

Bae Suah


March 2017

The Essayist’s Desk, published in 2003 and written when its author Bae Suah had just returned from an 11-month...


March 2017

Two Poems

Uljana Wolf

TR. Sophie Seita


March 2017

Mittens   winter came, stretched its frames, wove misty threads into the damp   wood. fogged windows, we didn’t...


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