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Hannah Hutchings-Georgiou
Hannah Hutchings-Georgiou is a writer, the founding editor-in-chief of Lucy Writers, and is currently writing up her PhD in English Literature and Visual Material Culture at UCL. She regularly writes on visual art, literature and dance for magazines like The White Review, The London Magazine, The Arts Desk, Plinth UK, Burlington Contemporary and many others. She is currently working on a hybrid book of creative nonfiction about women and drawing also.

Articles Available Online

Gut Feelings

Art Review

July 2022

Hannah Hutchings-Georgiou

Art Review

July 2022

In Hayv Kahraman’s vast painting, ‘Entanglements no.1’ (2021), all life is suspended. Two female figures, weightless though weighed down, are enchained in a series...



Issue No. 15

Translation in the First Person

Kate Briggs


Issue No. 15

IT IS 1 JUNE 2015 and I am standing outside no. 11 rue Servandoni in Paris’s sixth arrondissement. I...


April 2013

The Taxidermist

Olivia Heal


April 2013

I did not want to walk. The day was dull. But imperative or impulsion pushed me out, onto the...


May 2013


Saskia Hamilton


May 2013

Horses and geese in a sodden field. Solitaries with luggage on a wet platform. Postage-stamp house on a bit...


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