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Hannah Jingwen Lee
Hannah Jingwen Lee is a writer and archaeologist based in Sheffield. She was shortlisted for the 2020 Bath Short Story Award, and her novel-in-progress, which draws on both her archaeological experience and her childhood in Singapore, was selected for the 2021 Stinging Fly Summer School. She is currently completing a PhD that explores identity and personhood in Ancient Greece through the macroscopic and isotopic study of human skeletal remains.

Articles Available Online

Galapagos Man, Do You See?

Prize Entry

September 2022

Hannah Jingwen Lee

Prize Entry

September 2022

‘Where are my shoes?’   Alana is threading her way through New Year party detritus, coming towards him. Wallace tries not to stare at...



September 2011

First Blimp

Joshua Trotter


September 2011

Removing colour from my thoughts, I formed a winter ball. I threw it. The dead were uncounted. There was...


October 2012

Pressed Up Against the Immediate

Rye Dag Holmboe


October 2012

The author Philip Pullman recently criticised the overuse of the present tense in contemporary literature, a criticism he stretched...


November 2011


Olivia Heal


November 2011

The first I noticed was your thumbnails, large, round and flat, like two plates. They were marked with yellowed...


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