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Jackie Smith

Jackie Smith studied German and French at Selwyn College, Cambridge, and then undertook a post-graduate diploma in translation and interpreting at the University of Bradford. In 2015 she was selected for the New Books in German Emerging Translators Programme and in 2017 won the Austrian Cultural Forum London Translation Prize.An Inventory of Losses is her first literary translation.

Articles Available Online



May 2013

Ad Tertiam

Saskia Hamilton


May 2013

Rows of pines, planted years ago – so many, were you to count them on your fingers, you would...


May 2013

Interview with Darian Leader

Kishani Widyaratna


May 2013

A practicing Lacanian psychoanalyst, Darian Leader is one of a dying breed. It is no overstatement to say that...

Prize Entry

April 2016


Karina Lickorish Quinn

Prize Entry

April 2016

After her daughter had – for the third time, no less – laid her eggs in the fruit bowl,...


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