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Jem Cohen

Jem Cohen has made over sixty films including the feature length projects Museum Hours (2012), Instrument (1998), Chain (2004) and Benjamin Smoke (2000) (with Peter Sillen). His short films include Little Flags (2000), Night Scene New York (2009) and Long for the City (2008). He also makes still photographs, installations, and shows with projected images and live soundtracks, the latest of which is Gravity Hill Sound + Image, with Guy Picciotto, Jim White and George Xylouris.

Articles Available Online



November 2012

Religion and the Movies

Aidan Cottrell Boyce


November 2012

When the Roman Empire ruled the world, you could make it work for you. The women, the hospitality. You...


Issue No. 7

Pyramid Schemes: Reading the Shard

Lawrence Lek


Issue No. 7

These sketches were created to illustrate an essay by Lawrence Lek in The White Review No. 7, ‘Pyramid Schemes:...


January 2015

Diana's Tree

Alejandra Pizarnik

TR. Yvette Siegert


January 2015

Diana’s Tree, Alejandra Pizarnik’s fourth collection, was published in 1962, when the poet was barely 26 years old. Named after...


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