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Joachim Sartorius
Joachim Sartorius is a poet, translator, and long-time friend of Neumann’s. The recipient of several international awards for his poetry, Sartorius has also collaborated with Neumann; in 2003, the two artists published a chapbook entitled Capucelle: 11 Zeichnungen, 52 Strophen (Capucelle: 11 Drawings, 52 Verses).

Articles Available Online


Prize Entry

Issue No. 20

The Refugee

Kristen Gleason

Prize Entry

Issue No. 20

Brian Ed waited outside the ration house. Merlijn took his time coming to the door, and opened it slowly....


Issue No. 3

The Far Shore

Michael Hampton


Issue No. 3

Windblown: gone with the summer wind. Windblown: gone with the autumn wind. Windblown: gone with the winter wind. Windblown:...


Issue No. 5

The White Review No. 5 Editorial

The Editors


Issue No. 5

One of the two editors of The White Review recently committed a faux pas by reacting with undisguised and indeed...


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