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Jory Mickelson
Jory Mickelson is the author of Wilderness//Kingdom (Floating Bridge Press, 2019). His poems have appeared in Harvard Divinity Bulletin, Jubilat, The Rumpus, Vinyl Poetry, the Mid-American Review, Ninth Letter, and other. He was awarded an Academy of American Poets Prize and has received fellowships from the Lambda Literary Foundation and The Helene Wurlitzer Foundation of New Mexico.

Articles Available Online

Turkeys In Snow


April 2020

Jory Mickelson


April 2020

after Edward Hirsch   Some mornings when  he wakes, after sleep       sleep has wounded him   into wildness, he smiles      saying, “Let’s not talk...


Prize Entry

April 2015

Every Woman to the Rope

Joanna Quinn

Prize Entry

April 2015

My father believed the sea to be covetous: a pleading dog that would lap at you adoringly, sidling up...


Issue No. 19

Ill Feelings

Alice Hattrick


Issue No. 19

My mother recently found some loose diary pages I wrote in my first year of boarding school, aged eleven,...


Issue No. 4

The Land Art of Julie Brook

Robert Assaye


Issue No. 4

Julie Brook works with the land. Over the past twenty years she has lived and worked in a succession...


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