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Kathryn Scanlan
Kathryn Scanlan is the author of Aug 9—Fog and The Dominant Animal, and the recipient of a 2021 Literature Award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. Kick the Latch, her new novel, was published in the US by New Directions in 2022 and in the UK by Daunt Books in 2023. Her work has appeared in NOON, Granta, The Paris Review, Artforum, Another Gaze, and Harper’s. Originally from Iowa, she currently lives in Los Angeles.

Articles Available Online



Issue No. 3

Two Poems

Rebecca Wolff


Issue No. 3

I approach a purchase adore my children— back away— that they revere ugliness the rainbow bag that holds a...


May 2012

Monopoly (after Ashbery)

Sarah Howe


May 2012

I keep everything until the moment it’s needed. I am the glint in your bank manager’s eye. I never...


Issue No. 8

The Cloud of Knowing

John Ashbery


Issue No. 8

There are those who would have paid that. The amount your eyes bonded with (O spangled home) will have...


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