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Kuzhali Manickavel
KUZHALI MANICKAVEL’s collections THINGS WE FOUND DURING THE AUTOPSY and INSECTS ARE JUST LIKE YOU AND ME EXCEPT SOME OF THEM HAVE WINGS are available from Blaft Publications, Chennai. Her work has also appeared in GRANTASTRANGE HORIZONSAGNISUBTROPICSMICHIGAN QUARTERLY REVIEW and DIAGRAM. More information can be found at If you are interested in helping out with Covid relief projects in India, please click here.

Articles Available Online

Items That Have Gone Missing Inside the Lucy Temerlin Institute for Broken Shapeshifters Containment Room


June 2021

Kuzhali Manickavel


June 2021

ASSORTED BAKELITE STARS Placed in startlingly elegant nooks, these stars are meant to inspire and encourage the idea of ‘night’, even though residents incarcerated...



October 2013

Last Supper in Seduction City

Álvaro Enrigue

TR. Brendan Riley


October 2013

 ‘. . . and the siege dissolved to peace, and the horsemen all rode down in sight of the...


December 2016

Bonnie Camplin: Is it a Crime to Love a Prawn

Bonnie Camplin


December 2016

  The title of Bonnie Camplin’s exhibition at 3236RLS Gallery, ‘Is it a Crime to Love a Prawn’, brings...


February 2011

Red Shirts in Thailand

Sam Brown


February 2011

The closest I had ever come to a protest was in 2003, in Bangkok, when I tried and failed...


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