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Li Er
Novelist and short story writer Li Er was born 1966 in Henan Province. Despite his modest claim to be a 'not very prolific' author, he has published five story collections, two novels and approximately fifty novellas and short stories — most of them within the last decade. His work appears regularly in Zuojia, Shouhuo, Huacheng, Shucheng, Dajia, Renmin Wenxue, Shanhua, Shidai Wenxue and a variety of other mainland literary journals.    

Articles Available Online

Forgetting: Chang'e Descends to Earth, or Chang'e Escapes to the Moon


January 2016

Li Er

TR. Annelise Finegan Wasmoen


January 2016

Source Material   Her story is widely known. At first she stayed in heaven, then she followed a man down below, and that was...



October 2014

Blood Out of a Zombie

Laurence A. Rickels


October 2014

The German filmmaker Ulrike Ottinger has on three different occasions put the camera aside and directed for the theatre, each...

Prize Entry

April 2016

Mute Canticle

Leon Craig

Prize Entry

April 2016

Giulio the singing fascist came to pick me up from the little airport in his Jeep. He made sure...


February 2014

Only Responsible to Their Art: Heilan and the Chinese Avant-Garde

Chen Wei

TR. Tu Qiang


February 2014

Heilan was established for a simple reason: over the past twenty years, there has not emerged a single medium...


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