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Lina Wolff
Lina Wolff has lived and worked in Italy and Spain. During her years in Valencia and Madrid, she began to write her short story collection Många människor dör som du (‘Many People Die Like You’; Albert Bonniers Förlag, 2009). Bret Easton Ellis and the Other Dogs, her first novel, was awarded the prestigious Vi Magazine Literature Prize and shortlisted for the 2013 Swedish Radio Award for Best Novel of the Year. She now lives in southern Sweden. Her second novel, De polyglotta älskarna (‘The Polyglot Lovers’), is forthcoming from Albert Bonniers Förlag in 2016. Bret Easton Ellis and the Other Dogs was published in the UK in January by And Other Stories.

Articles Available Online

Maurice Echegaray


February 2016

Lina Wolff

TR. Frank Perry


February 2016

It was when we were living near the southbound exit. Maurice Echegaray had his company office on our staircase and there were three doors...



May 2017

The Pilgrims

Rachel Aydt


May 2017

ST. JOAN The great actress Renée Jeanne Falconetti stands trial for heresy, a woeful story told with her eyes...


Issue No. 1

Beyond the Horizon

Patrick Langley


Issue No. 1

Listen to the silence, let it ring on. (Joy Division, Transmission) I It is not yet dawn. The city...


Issue No. 3

The Far Shore

Michael Hampton


Issue No. 3

Windblown: gone with the summer wind. Windblown: gone with the autumn wind. Windblown: gone with the winter wind. Windblown:...


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