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Lucy Ives
Lucy Ives is the author of five books of poetry and prose, most recently The Hermit (The Song Cave, 2016), a collection of aphorisms, lists, dreams and games. In summer 2017, Penguin Press will publish her first full-length novel, Impossible Views of the World, about the travails of a young curator.

Articles Available Online



June 2012

'The Freedom of Speech Itself', or the betrayal of the voice

Lorena Muñoz-Alonso


June 2012

‘The instability of an accent, its borrowed and hybridised phonetic form, is testimony not to someone’s origins but only...


January 2016

Eight Minutes and Nineteen Seconds

Georgi Gospodinov

TR. Angela Rodel


January 2016

The minute you start reading this, the sun may already have gone out, but you won’t know it yet....

Prize Entry

April 2017


Ed Lately

Prize Entry

April 2017

The apology had been the most charged and contested gesture between us, the common element in arguments whose subjects...


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