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Marine Huggonier
MARINE HUGONNIER has recently been the subject of solo exhibitions at BALTIC Centre For Contemporary Art, Gateshead (2014); and the Museum of Modern Art and Contemporary Seoul, Korea (2014); and has been included in group shows including 'Counter-Production', Generali Foundation, Vienna (2012); 6th Bienniale of images, Mechelen, Belgium (2013); and the Biennale of Cartagena, Colombia (2014).Her work is held in public collections at MOMA, New York, The Reina Sofia, Madrid, MACBA, Barcelona, and Le Louvre, Paris, among others.

Articles Available Online



July 2013

Occupy Gezi: From the Fringes to the Centre, and Back Again

Alexander Christie-Miller


July 2013

Taksim Square appears at first a wide, featureless and unlovely place. It is a ganglion of roads and bus...

Prize Entry

April 2015

Smote, or ...

Eley Williams

Prize Entry

April 2015

To kiss you should not involve such fear of imprecision. I shouldn’t mind about the gallery attendant. He is...


January 2016

Two New Poems

Elena Fanailova

TR. Eugene Ostashevsky


January 2016

(POEM FOR ZHADAN)   This (my) country will be the death of you Its military mathematics Its secret services...


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