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Martin Chalmers
Martin Chalmers was born in 1948 and grew up in Glasgow. He was an award-winning translator of Austrian, German and Swiss literature into English and a writer of essays. He translated authors as diverse as Elfriede Jelinek, Ernst Weiss, Alexander Kluge, Thomas Bernhard, Hans Magnus Enzensberger and Peter Handke. Martin Chalmers died in Berlin in 2014. Together with Esther Kinsky he wrote the book Karadag Oktober 2013, a geopoetic exploration of Crimea, published in 2015.

Articles Available Online



May 2014

Interview with Eimear McBride

David Collard


May 2014

Eimear McBride’s first book, the radically experimental A Girl is a Half-formed Thing, was written when she was 27 and...


March 2016

Seeing from behind: Park McArthur

Anna Gritz


March 2016

In a public conversation between Park McArthur and Isla Leaver Yap that accompanied the former’s exhibition Poly at the...


Issue No. 19

Ill Feelings

Alice Hattrick


Issue No. 19

My mother recently found some loose diary pages I wrote in my first year of boarding school, aged eleven,...


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