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Meena Kandasamy
MEENA KANDASAMY is a poet, novelist and translator. Her latest books are a translation of the love poetry of 2000-year-old Tamil classic Tirukkural (THE BOOK OF DESIRE) and her own poetry collection, TOMORROW SOMEONE WILL ARREST YOU, which is forthcoming with Atlantic Books in May 2023.

Articles Available Online

Three Poems


February 2023

Meena Kandasamy


February 2023

VISA GODS   In this story, Eurydice is dark & deadly & has lived all her life in Hades. In this story, Orpheus plays...
The Orders Were to Rape You


Issue No. 28

Meena Kandasamy


Issue No. 28

THE TRAITOR WHO IS THE WRITER   This is an essay about writing and trauma.   This is an essay about violence: of men,...



January 2015

Judge Sa’b

Uday Prakash

TR. Jason Grunebaum


January 2015

Nine years ago, after thirteen years of living in the Rohini neighbourhood of north Delhi, I moved, and came...


Issue No. 9

Dr Gaz

Jeff Keen


Issue No. 9

Jeff Keen was among the most influential of a pioneering generation of experimental film-makers to emerge from the United...

Prize Entry

April 2017


Ed Lately

Prize Entry

April 2017

The apology had been the most charged and contested gesture between us, the common element in arguments whose subjects...


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