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Megan Nolan
Megan Nolan is the author of the novels Acts of Desperation (2021) and Ordinary Human Failings (July 2023).

Articles Available Online

Trash Like This

Book Review

March 2023

Megan Nolan

Book Review

March 2023

There’s an anecdote I sometimes wheel out to strangers or dates to convey the sort of child I was, a morbid and sensitive one...
Jamie Quatro's Fire Sermon

Book Review

March 2018

Megan Nolan

Book Review

March 2018

It is commonly agreed that desire is a self-perpetuating rather than substantive thing. Everyone from George Bernard Shaw to Nietzsche to the Buddha himself...



November 2016

Interview with Njideka Akunyili Crosby

Cassie Davies


November 2016

Njideka Akunyili Crosby first encountered Mary Louise Pratt’s ‘Arts of the Contact Zone’ (1991), which identifies ‘social spaces where cultures meet,...


May 2011

Twelve Installations

Lawrence Lek


May 2011

These installations express the transience of our sensory world, the impermanence of form, and the artificiality of our environment....


October 2013

A World of Sharp Edges: A Week Among Poets in the Western Cape

André Naffis-Sahely


October 2013

In Antal Szerb’s The Incurable, the eccentric millionaire Peter Rarely steps into the dining car of a train steaming...


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