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Nafissa Thompson-Spires
Nafissa Thompson-Spires earned a PhD in English from ­­­­Vanderbilt University and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from ­­­­­­the University of Illinois. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Los Angeles Review of Books QuarterlyStoryQuarterly, Lunch Ticket and The Feminist Wire, among other publications. She is a 2016 participant of the Callaloo Writer’s Workshop, a 2017 Tin House workshopee and a 2017 Sewanee Writer's Conference Stanley Elkin Scholar. Her collection Heads of the Colored People will be published in 2018.

Articles Available Online

The Necessary Changes Have Been Made


November 2017

Nafissa Thompson-Spires


November 2017

Though he had theretofore resisted the diminutive form of his name, in his new office, Randolph felt, for the first time, like a Randy....



February 2011

Interview with Manfredi Beninati

Lowenna Waters


February 2011

Time, memory, the landscape of the mind, manifestation and metamorphosis, resurgence and collapse and the crisp crust of Sicilian...


October 2012

Mitra Tabrizian's Another Country

Matt Mahon

Mitra Tabrizian


October 2012

Mitra Tabrizian’s Another Country (2010), a collection of nine large-scale photographs taken between 2009-2010, present to the viewer an...


June 2017

Oberhausen Film Festival

Tom Overton


June 2017

Such film festivals – those extraordinary clusters of images, transports of light, of virtual worlds scattered across a real...


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