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Natasha Hoare

Natasha Hoare is Associate Curator at Witte de With Centre for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam. She has worked as Assistant Curator for the Visual Arts Section of the Marrakech Biennale 5 (2014) and for On Geometry and Speculation, a parallel project for the Marrakech Biennale 4 (2012). Her book of interviews with international curators will be published by Laurence King in 2015.

Articles Available Online

The Past is a Foreign Country


November 2013

Natasha Hoare


November 2013

‘The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there.’ The immortal first line to L. P. Hartley’s The Go-Between wistfully condenses the problems...



February 2015

Interview with Eddie Peake

Lily Le Brun


February 2015

Like many people, I had seen Eddie Peake’s penis long before I met the artist himself. For several years...


Issue No. 11

Interview with Alice Oswald

Max Porter


Issue No. 11

Alice Oswald is a British poet who lives in Devon with her family. Newspaper profiles will inevitably mention the...


November 2016

Interview with Njideka Akunyili Crosby

Cassie Davies


November 2016

Njideka Akunyili Crosby first encountered Mary Louise Pratt’s ‘Arts of the Contact Zone’ (1991), which identifies ‘social spaces where cultures meet,...


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